/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011 The Wojo Group thewojogroup.com simplecartjs.com http://github.com/thewojogroup/simplecart-js/tree/master The MIT License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ var Custom="Custom",GoogleCheckout="GoogleCheckout",PayPal="PayPal",Email="Email",BrazilianReal="BRL",BRL="BRL",AustralianDollar="AUD",AUD="AUD",CanadianDollar="CAD",CAD="CAD",CzechKoruna="CZK",CZK="CZK",DanishKrone="DKK",DKK="DKK",Euro="EUR",EUR="EUR",HongKongDollar="HKD",HKD="HKD",HungarianForint="HUF",HUF="HUF",IsraeliNewSheqel="ILS",ILS="ILS",JapaneseYen="JPY",JPY="JPY",MexicanPeso="MXN",MXN="MXN",NorwegianKrone="NOK",NOK="NOK",NewZealandDollar="NZD",NZD="NZD",PolishZloty="PLN",PLN="PLN",PoundSterling="GBP",GBP="GBP",SingaporeDollar="SGD",SGD="SGD",SwedishKrona="SEK",SEK="SEK",SwissFranc="CHF",CHF="CHF",ThaiBaht="THB",THB="THB",USDollar="USD",USD="USD"; function Cart(){ var me = this; /* member variables */ me.nextId = 1; me.Version = '2.2.3'; me.Shelf = null; me.items = {}; me.isLoaded = false; me.invoice = null; me.pageIsReady = false; me.quantity = 0; me.total = 0; me.taxRate = 0; me.taxCost = 0; me.shippingFlatRate = 0; me.shippingTotalRate = 0; me.shippingQuantityRate = 0; me.shippingRate = 0; me.shippingCost = 0; me.currency = USD; me.checkoutTo = PayPal; me.email = ""; me.merchantId = ""; me.successUrl = null; me.cancelUrl = null; me.cookieDuration = 30; // default duration in days me.storagePrefix = "sc_"; me.MAX_COOKIE_SIZE = 4000; me.cartHeaders = ['Name','Price','Quantity','Total']; me.events = {}; me.sandbox = false; me.paypalHTTPMethod = "GET"; /* cart headers: you can set these to which ever order you would like, and the cart will display the appropriate headers and item info. any field you have for the items in the cart can be used, and 'Total' will automatically be price*quantity. there are keywords that can be used: 1) "_input" - the field will be a text input with the value set to the given field. when the user changes the value, it will update the cart. this can be useful for quantity. (ie "Quantity_input") 2) "increment" - a link with "+" that will increase the item quantity by 1 3) "decrement" - a link with "-" that will decrease the item quantity by 1 4) "remove" - a link that will remove the item from the cart 5) "_image" or "Image" - the field will be an img tag with the src set to the value. You can simply use "Image" if you set a field in the items called "Image". If you have a field named something else, like "Thumb", you can add the "_image" to create the image tag (ie "Thumb_image"). 6) "_noHeader" - this will skip the header for that field (ie "increment_noHeader") */ /****************************************************** function for setting options ******************************************************/ me.options = function( values ){ me.each(values, function( value , x , name ){ me[name]=value; }); }; /****************************************************** add/remove items to cart ******************************************************/ me.add = function ( values ) { var me=this; /* load cart values if not already loaded */ if( !me.pageIsReady ) { me.initializeView(); me.update(); } if( !me.isLoaded ) { me.load(); me.update(); } var newItem = new CartItem(); /* check to ensure arguments have been passed in */ if( !arguments || arguments.length === 0 ){ error( 'No values passed for item.'); return null; } var argumentArray = arguments; if( values && typeof( values ) !== 'string' && typeof( values ) !== 'number' ){ argumentArray = values; } newItem.parseValuesFromArray( argumentArray ); newItem.checkQuantityAndPrice(); if( me.trigger('beforeAdd', [newItem] ) === false ){ return false; } var isNew = true; /* if the item already exists, update the quantity */ if( me.hasItem(newItem) ) { var foundItem=me.hasItem(newItem); foundItem.quantity= parseInt(foundItem.quantity,10) + parseInt(newItem.quantity,10); newItem = foundItem; isNew = false; } else { me.items[newItem.id] = newItem; } me.update(); me.trigger('afterAdd', [newItem,isNew] ); return newItem; }; me.remove = function( id ){ var tempArray = {}; me.each(function(item){ if( item.id !== id ){ tempArray[item.id] = item; } }); this.items = tempArray; }; me.empty = function () { me.items = {}; me.update(); }; /****************************************************** item accessor functions ******************************************************/ me.find = function (criteria) { if( !criteria ){ return null; } var results = []; me.each(function(item,x,next){ fits = true; me.each( criteria , function(value,j,name){ if( !item[name] || item[name] != value ){ fits = false; } }); if( fits ){ results.push( item ); } }); return (results.length === 0 ) ? null : results; }; me.each = function( array , callback ){ var next, x=0, result; if( typeof array === 'function' ){ var cb = array items = me.items; } else if( typeof callback === 'function' ){ var cb = callback, items = array; } else { return; } for( next in items ){ if( typeof items[next] !== "function" ){ result = cb.call( me , items[next] , x , next ); if( result === false ){ return; } x++; } } }; me.chunk = function(str, n) { if (typeof n==='undefined'){ n=2; } var result = str.match(RegExp('.{1,'+n+'}','g')); return result || []; }; /****************************************************** checkout management ******************************************************/ me.checkout = function() { if( me.quantity === 0 ){ error("Cart is empty"); return; } switch( me.checkoutTo ){ case PayPal: me.paypalCheckout(); break; case GoogleCheckout: me.googleCheckout(); break; case Email: me.emailCheckout(); break; default: me.customCheckout(); break; } }; me.paypalCheckout = function() { var form = document.createElement("form"), counter=1, current, item, descriptionString; form.style.display = "none"; form.method = me.paypalHTTPMethod =="GET" || me.paypalHTTPMethod == "POST" ? me.paypalHTTPMethod : "GET"; form.action = me.sandbox ? "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" : "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"; form.acceptCharset = "utf-8"; // setup hidden fields form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("cmd", "_cart")); form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("rm", me.paypalHTTPMethod == "POST" ? "2" : "0" )); form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("upload", "1")); form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("business", me.email )); form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("currency_code", me.currency)); form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("charset", "utf-8")); if (me.invoice) { form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("invoice", me.invoice)); } if( me.taxRate ){ form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("tax_cart", parseFloat(me.taxCost).toFixed(2))); } if( me.shipping() !== 0){ form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("handling_cart", me.shippingCost )); } if( me.successUrl ){ form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("return", me.successUrl )); } if( me.cancelUrl ){ form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("cancel_return", me.cancelUrl )); } me.each(function(item,iter){ counter = iter+1; form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "item_name_" + counter, item.name + " ("+item.quantity+" unidades a "+item.price.toFixed(5)+" EUR)" ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "quantity_" + counter, 1 ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "amount_" + counter, item.price * item.quantity ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "item_number_" + counter, counter ) ); var option_count = 0; me.each( item , function( value, x , field ){ if( field !== "id" && field !== "price" && field !== "mult" && field !== "quantity" && field !== "name" && field !== "shipping" && option_count < 10) { form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "on" + option_count + "_" + counter, field ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "os" + option_count + "_" + counter, value ) ); option_count++; } }); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "option_index_" + counter, option_count) ); }); document.body.appendChild( form ); form.submit(); document.body.removeChild( form ); }; me.googleCheckout = function() { var me = this; if( me.currency !== USD && me.currency !== GBP ){ error( "Google Checkout only allows the USD and GBP for currency."); return; } else if( me.merchantId === "" || me.merchantId === null || !me.merchantId ){ error( "No merchant Id for google checkout supplied."); return; } var form = document.createElement("form"), counter=1, current, item, descriptionString; form.style.display = "none"; form.method = "POST"; form.action = "https://checkout.google.com/api/checkout/v2/checkoutForm/Merchant/" + me.merchantId; form.acceptCharset = "utf-8"; me.each(function(item,iter){ counter = iter+1; form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "item_name_" + counter, item.name ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "item_quantity_" + counter, item.quantity ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "item_price_" + counter, item.price ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "item_currency_" + counter, me.currency ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "item_tax_rate_" + counter, me.taxRate ) ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "_charset_" , "" ) ); descriptionString = ""; me.each( item , function( value , x , field ){ if( field !== "id" && field !== "quantity" && field !== "price" ) { descriptionString = descriptionString + ", " + field + ": " + value; } }); descriptionString = descriptionString.substring( 1 ); form.appendChild( me.createHiddenElement( "item_description_" + counter, descriptionString) ); }); // hack for adding shipping if( me.shipping() !== 0){ form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("ship_method_name_1", "Shipping")); form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("ship_method_price_1", parseFloat(me.shippingCost).toFixed(2))); form.appendChild(me.createHiddenElement("ship_method_currency_1", me.currency)); } document.body.appendChild( form ); form.submit(); document.body.removeChild( form ); }; me.emailCheckout = function() { return; }; me.customCheckout = function() { return; }; /****************************************************** data storage and retrival ******************************************************/ /* load cart from cookie */ me.load = function () { var me = this, id; /* initialize variables and items array */ me.items = {}; me.total = 0.00; me.quantity = 0; /* retrieve item data from cookie */ /* v2.2.2 code if( readCookie(simpleCart.storagePrefix + 'simpleCart_' + "chunks") ){ var chunkCount = 1*readCookie(simpleCart.storagePrefix + 'simpleCart_' + "chunks"), dataArray = [], dataString = "", data = "", info, newItem, y=0; if(chunkCount>0) { for( y=0;y 0 ){ me.updateCartView(); } }; me.updateViewTotals = function() { var outlets = [ ["quantity" , "none" ] , ["total" , "currency" ] , ["shippingCost" , "currency" ] , ["taxCost" , "currency" ] , ["taxRate" , "percentage" ] , ["finalTotal" , "currency" ] ]; for( var x=0,xlen=outlets.length; x"; } }; me.valueToTextInput = function( value , html ){ return ""; }; me.valueToLink = function( value, link, html){ return "" + value + ""; }; me.valueToElement = function( type , value , html ){ return "<" + type + " " + html + " > " + value + ""; }; /****************************************************** Duplicate management ******************************************************/ me.hasItem = function ( item ) { var current, matches, field, match=false; me.each(function(testItem){ matches = true; me.each( item , function( value , x , field ){ if( field !== "quantity" && field !== "id" && field !== "price" && item[field] !== testItem[field] ){ matches = false; } }); if( matches ){ match = testItem; } }); return match; }; /****************************************************** Language managment ******************************************************/ me.ln = { "en_us": { quantity: "Quantity" , price: "Price" , total: "Total" , decrement: "Decrement" , increment: "Increment" , remove: "Remove" , tax: "Tax" , shipping: "Shipping" , image: "Image" } }; me.language = "en_us"; me.print = function( input ) { var me = this; return me.ln[me.language] && me.ln[me.language][input.toLowerCase()] ? me.ln[me.language][input.toLowerCase()] : input; }; /****************************************************** Cart Update managment ******************************************************/ me.update = function() { if( !simpleCart.isLoaded ){ simpleCart.load(); } if( !simpleCart.pageIsReady ){ simpleCart.initializeView(); } me.updateTotals(); me.updateView(); me.save(); }; me.getMult = function(item) { if (!item.mult) return 0; var list = item.mult.split(","); var mult = {}; var val = 1; for (var i=0; i 0) { for(var x=0, xlen=array.length; x1 ){ if( value.length>2 ){ for(var j=2, jlen=value.length;j